I suppose I’m a left-of-center liberal who flirts w/ anarchism & libertarianism. Thr’s a lot of alt, electronic, exp’tal, & “world” music I like. I’m working on fan-fix-tion for The Handmaid’s Tale and Star Trek.

my avatar: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Miou-Miou_mit-Partner-5713.jpg

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • If that’s so, then why would most of those “Libertarians” vote for Republicans over Democrats who better align with those goals?

    They aren’t really Libertarians. They might vote GOP because they read the Libertarian Party platform and didn’t like it.


    Therefore, we favor the repeal of all laws creating “crimes” without victims, such as gambling, the use of drugs for medicinal or recreational purposes, and consensual transactions involving sexual services.

    We support the maintenance of a sufficient military to defend the United States against aggression. The United States should both avoid entangling alliances and abandon its attempts to act as policeman for the world. We oppose any form of compulsory national service.

    We support the removal of governmental impediments to free trade. Political freedom and escape from tyranny demand that individuals not be unreasonably constrained by government in the crossing of political boundaries. Economic freedom demands the unrestricted movement of human as well as financial capital across national borders.

    They want wealthy business owners to be their rulers.

    Many want no rulers.

    The problem with government isn’t that it exists. It’s that it’s been captured by wealthy business owners. Why do we have so much military around the world? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many tariffs in place? To protect the interest of wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many restrictions on immigration in place? To protect the work Supply and low wage Workforce for wealthy business owners. Why do we have so many drugs made illegal. Because it suits the wealthy and powerful.

    and with less government, arguably, they’d have less of a tool to promote their interests.

  • wp:Category:Communist parties in the United States

    wp:Revolutionary Communist Party, USA

    The Revolutionary Communist Party, USA (also known as RCP, The Revcoms, or Revcom) is a new communist party in the United States founded in 1975 and led by its chairman, Bob Avakian. The party organizes for a revolution to overthrow the system of capitalism and replace it with a socialist state, with the final aim of world communism.[1] The RCP is frequently described as a cult around Avakian.[2][3][4]

    wp:Party for Socialism and Liberation

    The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is a communist party in the United States. PSL was established in 2004, when its members split from the Workers World Party. The group believes that a socialist revolution is necessary to overthrow capitalism and establish socialism.[7] The organization works toward this end by organizing and participating in local protests, running candidates in elections, and political education favoring a revolutionary socialist vanguard party.

    Notable members include Gloria La Riva, Michael Prysner, Eugene Puryear, Jodi Dean and Claudia de la Cruz. In 2022, PSL said it had members in “over 100 cities”.[9] PSL does not release membership numbers.[10]

    wp:Workers World Party

    The Workers World Party (WWP) is a Marxist–Leninist communist party founded in 1959 by a group led by Sam Marcy.[3][better source needed] WWP members are sometimes called Marcyites. Marcy and his followers split from the Socialist Workers Party (SWP) in 1958 over a series of long-standing differences, among them their support for Henry A. Wallace’s Progressive Party in 1948, their view of People’s Republic of China as a workers’ state, and their defense of the 1956 Soviet intervention in Hungary, some of which the SWP opposed.[4][5][6]

    wp:New Afrikan Black Panther Party

    The New Afrikan Black Panther Party (NABPP) is a Black Power Marxist–Leninist–Maoist[1] organization in the United States, largely based out of the Red Onion State Prison in Wise County, Virginia[2] and referred to as the New Afrikan Black Panther Party – Prison Chapter (NABPP-PC).

    wp:Category:Political parties in the United States

    wp:Working Families Party

    The Working Families Party of New York was first organized in 1998 by a coalition of labor unions, community organizations, members of the now-inactive national New Party, and a variety of advocacy groups such as Citizen Action of New York and ACORN: the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now.[10] The party is primarily concerned with healthcare reform, raising the minimum wage, universal paid sick days, addressing student debt, progressive taxation, public education, and energy and environmental reform. It has usually cross-endorsed progressive Democratic and some Republican[11] candidates through fusion voting but occasionally runs its own candidates.

  • Yup. And in the meantime, work to support the change to government that’s needed to allow third parties a chance.

    those parties that spoil votes for the Democrats—the only practical party—the one we must all support lest Trump, Dubya, or whoever, wins.

    Support Approval Voting, or Ranked Choice Voting, or whatever is being most successful at your local level.

    and in exchange you support Democrat policies and the war on Gazans.

    Lobby your representatives to eliminate the electoral college

    You’ll need a constitutional amendment for that, and the lower-population states will oppose that if the alternative to the Electoral College is merely a nation-wide popular vote.

    What’s next? Get rid of the Senate?

    You said forget third parties. OK. Trump wants a 10% tariff across the board on all imports.

    Presumably some environmentalists dislike Biden’s 100% tariff on EVs less than Trump’s 10% on EVs—not as bad—and might like a 10% tariff on cars that run on fossil fuels. A 10% tariff on smart phones might encourage domestic manufacturing, which is in areas that’s more regulated, as well as reuse old ones.

    With all this money supposedly coming in from tariffs, and offsetting income taxes, hopefully people will demand that he reduce the latter and/or or increase spending (without increasing debts).

    Meanwhile, with those outside the US getting less US money—because they can’t sell as much to Americans, because of the tariffs—exports will fall as imports will.

    It’s ebb and flow, Mr. Beal: a balance.

    He’s said he thinks the Israelis agent going far enough, and should exterminate the Palestinians.

    How worse has the GOP been on Israel compared to the Democrats?

    James Baker, apparently 13th of June 1990



    He’s already cost women choice over their own bodies.

    If Texans who were/are female and/or progressive voted Green Party instead of for Biden or Obama, their situation wouldn’t be much worse.

    Though I tend to be pro-choice, I don’t think abortion is that big an issue either way.

    Almost half of all Texans won’t get pregnant because they are men.

    perhaps 1/4th of Texan women are sterile and/or post-menopausal.

    perhaps 10% are pre-menstral.

    Most of the rest take contraceptives and/or engage in non-procreative sex.

    Relatively few rapes lead to pregnancy.

    Abortion isn’t totally banned and it’s legal in New Mexico.

    Besides, a disproportionate number of the children born who’d otherwise be aborted will be racial minorities, Hispanics, and poor whites, and half will be women, and notwithstanding many leftists’ hyperventilation, I figure a majority of these very young Texans will grow up to be Democrats.

    So, yeah. Work for initiatives that will allow real change; and in the meantime, swallow your gorge and vote for the lesser of two evils, because that’s the only kind of vote that counts.

    The lesser of 2 evils is still evil: vote your heart and your conscience (or someone far more close to it).

    Besides, a second Trump Presidency might be what Americans need to smarten them up.