• 120 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: August 24th, 2019


  • Please don’t do this. This is a right-wing tactic: “I’m not making any claims, I’m just asking questions.”

    It’s literally not. The article makes it clear there are facts many people are not aware of, and they need to know these to then be able to make an informed decision. I have defended Assange and his character at several points in the article. And frankly I don’t really care what tactics the right wing decides to use, it’s not gonna prevent me from living my life.

    “Collateral murder” absolutely was damaging to the US government. It showed the callous disregard the US military had for (non-white) human life and it put them under a lot of scrutiny. It also helped a lot of “fence-sitters” take a side opposing the US wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    So nothing happened.

    Because that’s US policy. Not prosecuting them was also a bad look for US govt.

    So nothing happened.

    What? This claim needs arguments.

    This is proven in the article by Wikileaks’ own webpage from 2006 which is linked earlier in the article… sorry but did you actually read through it?

    “A golden prison.” lmao

    We agree with each other though?

  • Actually Assange is the one constant face behind Wikileaks; there is an advisory board, but it’s very informal to the point that people on it never did anything, never met the other advisors, and sometimes never even knew they were on it. For all intents and purposes Assange is the only person behind Wikileaks.

    If Wikileaks was a federal asset or started as one, then Assange was an asset as well, even if he didn’t know it. That’s my defense behind the title, which does ask if Assange was a federal asset.

  • What happened after Collateral Murder except that Manning was found out and imprisoned, thereby removing a liability in the US military? What happened after the scandal at Abu Ghraib except letting Iraqis know what will happen to them if they fight or even cross paths with a US soldier?

    We can also look beyond the US stuff; Wikileaks has released plenty of documents on Iran, China and Syria to name just 3 (this was their stated purpose and is pointed out in the article, wikileaks was first started to go after the enemies of the US). The point of building credibility is to then redirect sentiment to the actual target with the segment of the population that does not normally consider that target to be an enemy. Much like Jackson Hinkle is going to be doing soon imo.

  • It’s pretty funny to me that the criticisms that were made about millennials are now made verbatim against zedders without a shred of irony or memory. It’s like boomers completely glossed over the fact they were saying millenials are spoiled, want everything handed to them, can’t hold down a job, and they are now saying the exact same things about zedders while millenials, now that they are all grown up, have become part of the mainstream I guess and are not the topic of any criticism anymore.

  • They do and have done that. It’s known as a limited hangout but it’s become kind of the word of the day recently lol. It pays to play both sides so you can always come out on top somewhere, like betting half on red and half on black at roulette. Something gives but something else gains. And since the US government is both the casino and the player at the table, they win either way. Exposing their own crimes allows them to say “look we take accountability!” but the collateral murder video, for example, made a lot of noise but ultimately nothing happened about it other than Manning, the whistleblower (!), being jailed for a few years.