I write bugs and sometimes features! I’m also @[email protected].

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • You wouldn’t have 13 feats at a time, though. It’d be one at a time and you just get to choose which one. Perhaps could be further limited by only allowing changing once per short or even long rest.

    But yeah, it definitely starts stronger than it ends. I was thinking the main ways it could sorta be used is as a jack of all trades, because you could probably have proficiency in any given thing so long as there’s no combat involved.

  • I get what you’re saying and that’s obviously a concern, but at the same time… doesn’t it have to be reasonably far in the future? We don’t have either the infrastructure or even enough supply of EVs to change this too quickly.

    That said, I wish they’d use a gradual approach. Start ramping up taxes on gasoline with the proceeds entirely going to EV infrastructure (and similar for purchasing new gasoline vehicles and licensing existing vehicles). Start small and increase as we get closer to the cutoff date. Start limiting gas station development and create zoning regulations for EV infrastructure (especially charging for apartments, which is a huge gap). Make all the laws ramp up gradually so that it’s always small, incremental changes that are never too difficult to do at a time, but will get us in a better place in 10-15 years.

  • CoderKat@lemm.eeto196@lemmy.blahaj.zoneRuletanic
    8 months ago

    I badly wish that I could get (competent) home assistants with at least somewhat customizable activation keywords. I understand why it’s not customizable. They build it into the hardware so that it doesn’t have to be truly listening all the time. But I’d love at least some options to buy versions that have different phrases.

    For me, I just want something that references some pop culture AI (eg, HAL, Glados, etc). I especially don’t like Google’s approach of saying the freaking company name.

  • CoderKat@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlEvery time
    8 months ago

    I like the idea of having a regulated, living, backwards compatible standard. Which seems to be what USB-C is now, for phones. The EU has soon to be active regulation that will make it a requirement for many things. Yet, it’s not a single, set in stone standard, but one that’s constantly being expanded (eg, version 3.2 and PD).

    Of course, the regulation has to also be living. Eg, at some point, maybe there’ll be a strong enough reason to allow another standard (by no means do I think USB-C will always make sense). And the regulation has to very carefully choose the standard.

    That way we get the benefits of standardization (from actually everyone using the same format), but we aren’t unreasonably crippling ourselves to do it.

  • It’s so frustrating that such blatant union busting goes unpunished. If I had any power, I’d see execs in charge of decisions like that go to jail. Not a fine – jail. White collar crime is one area where I think prison actually can be a decent deterrent (if there’s enough enforcement that people don’t think they’d go uncaught). It’s a crime where the perpetrator usually is knowledgeable, not in the heat of the moment, and has plenty of time to recognize what they’re doing.

  • CoderKat@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlNWBTCW
    8 months ago

    While I think the rich are one of the most influential sources of it, I’m not convinced they’re the only or even the majority. Like, of the rich stopped using bigotry to divide people, would people stop being bigoted? I don’t think so at all. I think there’s something wrong with humanity that makes it easy for bigotry to evolve even in the absence of power and perhaps worse, for people to want to be bigoted.

  • Canada requires employers to give a few hours to vote and also makes seemingly every school a polling station. Every time I’ve voted, the polling station was walking distance. Notably, though, we don’t have mandatory voting. And our turnout is horrendous.

    We were also going to have electoral reform, but it got canceled and so few people cared that the party that cancelled it got reelected. It’s frustrating the level of apathy many Canadians have. Provincial elections are even worse, despite the fact that healthcare and housing are big, big issues that are under provincial jurisdiction.

  • Heck, I’d say even give money to those big corps so long as they are being reasonable with the price and availability. Reasonable varies by person, of course. But for me, I’ll pay for any $70-90 game (the normal price for new games now in Canada), but stuff like Sims DLC or how the original Mass Effect only let you get DLC through some dumb BioWare credits are cases where I’d pirate no regrets even with my current income.

    After all, there won’t be AAA games if people don’t pay for them. I have (mostly) no qualms with big publishers pocketing a significant profit on those games if they get made well. Bigger problem I have is with games that get rushed to the point of impacting quality, but that’s something I see more for changing how you approach that individual title. Stuff like mistreating staff (crunch time) is a bit iffier. I still lean towards giving them my money, since nobody enters the game dev business without knowing it’ll involve crunch and I do want the devs to be rewarded for their hard work with a commercial success (cause that’s unfortunately just how success is measured in our capitalist society).