• 12 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I live by alarms and reminders. I also try and automate as much as possible so I don’t have to rely on me remembering or being focused.

    Finch (app) for little dopamine bursts for doing the basics - I have everything like get out of bed, take meds, put on clean clothes. It doesn’t penalize you if you miss anything, it just celebrates when you check things as done. When you do enough things in a day your penguin gets to go on an adventure.

    Alexa and Siri - I have routines set up through Alexa, either to remind me of things at a certain time each day or ones I can set by saying a specific phrase. For example, when I say “Alexa I started the laundry” she’ll remind me an hour later to put the laundry in the dryer. Siri I use to make phone reminders whenever something pops into my mind so I don’t have to try and hold onto the thought and then forget what I was doing. My kid will even say to me, “Tell Siri now so you don’t forget.”

    I’ve been playing around with the project management app Trello. I don’t have everything set up yet but it has “boosts” I think they’re called - basically different automations you can install and use within Trello. So for example you can link Trello to your calendar and then when certain events get added to your calendar Trello can automatically create a list of things you need to do before the event. And if you also link reminders it can automatically create the reminders to get those things done too. My struggle right now is just having the focus to figure out how to set up all the automations and link everything.

  • Half of the fun is in making things, and you can only have so many sweaters before you have to start giving them away anyways.

    I’ll knit something for anyone, so this is exactly how I feel too. But for others (non-knitters) there seems to be this feeling that knit/crochet/quilted things should be treated as precious family heirlooms. Maybe because not as many people do these hobbies now? And/Or it’s still seen as something grandmas do, and things from your grandma should be treasured?