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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Of fucking course I know what the plot was. We ALL know what the plot was. It was terrorist attack designed to stop the certification of votes that President Biden had lawfully earned from the MAJORITY of Americans.

    Traitor seditionist child rapist trump signaled to all of his terrorist followers to attack the capital in furtherance of his hitler-esque Big Lie.

    It was a planned terrorist attack on the United States Constitution and on the freedom of all citizens.

    Anyone who still supports the traitor after his blatant attempt at sedition is an active enemy of the United States.

    Simple as that. I think even someone like you can put aside your willful ignorance and understand these very clear terms. At least I hope you can, for your own sake.

  • You’re not half as smart as you fancy yourself to be.

    Then again, confident ignorance is yall’s default state, so I’m hardly surprised.

    No matter, I don’t give a fuck what you enemies of the US feel like you can plausibly hide behind. We Americans saw it play out live and saw the actions of your fuhrer, furthering the terrorist attack that he incited.

    It’s hilarious that you think it’s some kind of gotcha that I don’t have “blueprints” that the terrorists used to invade the nation’s capital.

    Instead, we have Lauren titties out boebert who led the terrorists on a private tour just days before they were invited to attack by your favorite child raping felon.

    So, in conclusion, stand by and fuck off you anti-american piece of shit.

  • We have insane inflation BECAUSE OF THE TRAITOR.

    That lying child raping filth EXPLODED the deficit, printed INSANE amounts of money using quantitative easing during the good economy he was handed by Obama, gave away TRILLIONS with his removal of ALL OVERSIGHT for the PPP scam, and cut taxes on billionaires while increasing your own to pay for it.

    Republicans plunder and loot and trash the economy EVERY FUCKING TIME, Democrats come in and fix it, just in time for a Republican rapist to fuck it all up again. Fucking learn some history.

    Also, I know you don’t give a fuck about women, but I know PLENTY who will NEVER vote for the fascists stripping away their healthcare rights.

    Jesus fucking titty tap dancing christ how fucking stupid are you people.