• 9 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • Ok. So stfu about calling reused assets innovation. It’s not. It’s reused old materials because you are strapped for time and are padding the game for release.

    I also platinumed the game and can confidently review every aspect having seen and beaten it all.

    Go through the main game and dlc and count how many locations are just big flat areas with no items or content. Just fields of padding to wade through. Or a location to grind for the pointless crafting system.

    The open world activities that you listed break down to go to place in the open world and fight a dude or pick up an item. It’s all just repackaging the same fucking quest structure. Entirely copy pasted fetch quests that reward you with an item that is most likely not for your build. So on repeat play throughs you just go online to find the gear you need and go straight to the main quest. Or you get another item for upgrading your flask that’s already maxed out. 🙄

    The open world is a empty padded space meant to kill time between the only good content in the game “the legacy dungeons”

    This entire game world could be cut down by more than half and it still wouldn’t have enough content worth exploring.

    Your user name is very apt because you are acting like a huge fanboy simp for clearly a watered down version of a souls game.

    I love FromSoftware but I hope they never tackle something this big again and go back to making bespoke game worlds that are intertwined and fun to explore.