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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • I feel like if that world were the existence, that our daily lives and technology would have advanced with it where we would have Pokemon detecting radar, anti Pokemon shields, etc to protect our cities and such. Now if a shit ton of Pokemon just dumped randomly into this world then yes, that would be a big fuckin problem. Animal Control would become a seven digit job lmfao. Oh god PETA would be insufferable…

  • I have a friend that works in Texas and his IT department literally forced all their employees who have been WFH since COVID to start coming into the office 5 days a week again. So literally the opposite of what this article is stating. Companies need to be held liable for this shit, especially if they have infrastructure in place to easily adopt WFH.

  • Been playing the newest season of Diablo 4. I was definitely one of the people that picked up the game, played the first season, and dropped it with no intention of going back. Waaaay too much bullshittery going on with the loot system at that time. Well, a friend convinced me they fixed it with the most recent season and he was 100 percent correct. I’ve been having fun and have been reminded of how much of a blast a looter can actually be. I suggest anyone that was in a similar boat as me to at least give it a try.

    That aside I’ve been playing Forza Horizon 4 as there’s always more to do and sometimes it’s a nice Zen game to just tweak a car and cruise around for points.

    Honorable mention to Grounded which I just finished with friends. It’s a long ass game and a huge map. Has some bugs (pun intended) but nothing game breaking. We didn’t play the recently released ‘Fully Yolked’ edition so can’t speak to that.

    Oh also Valheim Ashland’s is cool but god damn is it unforgiving. Definitely going to be a struggle solo and would suggest playing with at least a few people.