These are very short and small bears. They stand upright an average of 5ft tall, which amongst bears is short enough. Keep in mind even a black bear, another considred small bear, can reach up to over 6ft, 1.82m, tall. Grizzlies and Polar Bears are well over the 8ft, 2.43m, range standing upright. The weight differences are also massive. Their relative size similar peer in the Black Bear is anywhere from 60kg 5o 300kg, or 132-661 pounds. Meanwhile a sunbear is around 27-63kg, 59-143lbs.
With such a lithe bear it creates this oddly human look to them when they stand upright.
If they’ve managed to make a decent live action adaptation of any Japanese media I’m impressed for them. Cowboy Bebop, the Resident Evil tv series come to mind as their mos trecent failings. I think One Pieces kind of cartooniness is something that can be adapted in live action so its good to see them actually do it.