• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023

  • Will it get done if it costs too much to get someone to do it? Do I think I can do it?

    If I added up all of the home, auto and technical maintenance I have done in the last month as farmed out to a professional I would be broke ALL THE TIME or the things would not have gotten done.

    SO many things can be looked up and even found as full instructional videos now.

    I generally look at it as if there is special knowledge, skills or tools needed also if I could make things worse… If not I will try and do it myself.

  • Your examples would have more similarity with suggesting a vegetarian diet as an alternative to a mix or most meat diet. That would be a functional alternative, like suggesting a different OS or Browser.

    Veganism more like a political statement that if you eat meat your are a bad person for harming animals. All vegans may be vegetarians but not all vegetarians are vegan.

    I will admit there are many OS and Browser purists that might be more like vegans telling you, you are bad for choosing the one you currently use. There are FOSS purists that only tell you to use FOSS because it is NOT commercial not because the software is better for what you need.

  • I went from an iPhone 7 to an iPhone 13 . I had replaced the battery on the iPhone 7 already, it still was getting updates but physically the charge port started wearing out and the NFC stopped working .

    Was a good run, phone was super reliable needed no tweaking to work.

    I have also been using iPhones since the iPhone 3G. Long before it existed on Android it was very easy to movie everything from your old phone to the new one, first via iTunes desktop then later via iCloud.

    Family sharing for apps and family backups pooled in iCloud is also very convenient.