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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • While that is a better trajectory, I do kind of have the mildly pessimistic view that a large part of the costs of good going down isn’t truly a positive sign for inflation, but the market forcing prices down due to decreased spending. I’m luckily in a decent position financially (my bills are paid, rent, while not cheap, is paid on time), but the cost of pretty much everything has become so much higher with not much of an increase in earning. If the minimum wage were forced up it would probably help, but idk, every person I’ve talked (in person) about the issue with is pretty negative about the issue.

  • It’s a stretch, but it is much more reasonable than simply monitoring all of the faces of users as to what they are doing while in their cars. Which is a strategy that is used by a lot of the newer tesla and other cars for autopilot and the like, in large part because auto manufacturers don’t want to be blamed for their customer’s stupidity. I can absolutely see that being effective, but very invasive into people’s privacy, and eventually something a politician pushes. At this point, enforcement really isn’t enough and the only way to truly fix it kinda is some passive limitations. I’m not saying complete lock down of functionality, but make there be some safeguard that only passengers can get away with for more than just changing music or receiving calls if the GPS is reading more than 20-30 mph.

  • Or it could just be a limiter on top speed. I know there are a few Chevrolets (like the volt) that limit top speed to around 90mph. I’d argue that’s pretty reasonable, as I don’t believe there is a public road where the speed limit is that high in the US. However, I do agree that the bigger issue is phone use and how no one seems to have a simple answer for fixing it (probably need a mandated mode which limits functions when the GPS detects you going over a certain speed, but which would require a large amount of industry cooperation which probably isn’t available).