• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • Sure that’s what farage is calling the party, but that’s like saying North Korea is a democratic republic run by its people and not the autocratic dictatorship that it is, because that’s what the dictators call the country, and bad people wouldn’t just lie like that, would they?

    Farage has a very well documented track record. He’s a far-right fascist, his party will reflect that with policy.

    Populism is just a common tactic for fascists to get their foot in the door—literally the same tactics used by Hitler.

    Farage even said in this election that the supporters of the parties you list have been drawn to reform. I wonder why?

  • Well yes, the most secure way would be a single source of OTPs, however I’m happy to compromise that slightly for convenience. Having 3-4 devices with access to the OTP database isn’t a huge increase in my attack surface. An attacker would still need to steal one of my devices, rather than one specific device. Those devices would also naturally be protected by additional factors.

    I understand I would have to handle the syncing of the database for aegis, I was more curious if you knew of other clients that could use the same database format on other platforms.

    I’m very aware it’s a bad idea to keep your OTPs in the same database as your passwords (and in fact already make use of keepass). I would probably not even sync the databases using the same mechanism

    Bitwarden/vaultwarden does seem to be the front running option if there aren’t suitable clients for reading an Aegis database on other platforms, and I’ll just ignore the password manager aspects of it even if that means it’s a heavier solution than I’d have preferred.

    Thanks for bearing with me on this

  • Okay I see what you’re saying but it’s still a downgrade from what I thought my security was, the fact authy broke that trust doesn’t mean I want to compromise what I was expecting to the level they ended up providing me

    Sure, I guess the thing I’ve not made clear enough is that I accept the compromise of security by having an SMS backup in this scenario for the convenience it provides in restoration. Someone could compromise my SMS but they’d still need my password, and in Authy’s case, they would also then need to be able to sufficiently convince Twilio that I’m me before they allow access again. I understand that the last step is obviously not possible with a non-commercial solution.

    Tbh you’ve kinda come up with the solution for me though, if I keep the database in it’s own cloud storage separate from everything else I could set up SMS 2FA and a unique memorable password to get a similar experience to what I have now, albeit without the extra verification when SMS is used.

    Since you’ve been helpful already, one last question if you don’t mind: do you have good recommendations for iOS, Mac & Windows clients for aegis? The official repo seems to just be an android app, and I make use of authy across all 4 platforms currently

  • Well I thought this was kinda obvious what I meant, but I guess not.

    Alright, drop the sass, if it was obvious your post wouldn’t be the length it is. Now chill, I genuinely appreciate your response

    0, no go

    1, also a no go, I can’t guarantee I’ll have an extra thing

    2a. No 2fa, so this is a reduction in my current security

    2b, this could be workable, I already self-host a number of services, but I want to be sure situational neglect (i.e. life is too busy for me to pay attention) cannot compromise this, therefore it’s gotta be a turnkey solution that I can configure to auto update, which is what I’m asking for in my comment. I need your specific solution for this, generalisms are useless here.

    3: Not workable, I can’t rely on someone else being able to help in every possible scenario (and tbh I wouldn’t want to put that responsibility on someone)

    4: This is a pretty good one tbh, though I guess if I’m going to pick holes, if the first stage is good enough as the gate, it diminishes the reason to have the second stage, so I’d wonder what you would suggest that could tick all the boxes for that first gate.

    Edit: weird numbering formatting to combat lemmy formatting doing weird things