• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • “Aware of its surroundings” is a pretty general phrase though. You, presumably a human, can only be as aware as far as your senses enable you to be. We (humans) tend to assume that we have complete awareness of our surroundings, but how could we possibly know? If there was something out there we weren’t aware of, well we aren’t aware of it. What we know as our “surroundings” is a construct the brain invents to parse our own “raw sensor data”. To an LLM, it “senses” strings of tokens. That’s its whole environment, it’s all that it can comprehend. From its perspective, there’s nothing else. Basically all I’m saying is that you seem to be taking awareness-of-surroundings to mean awareness-of-surroundings-like-a-human, when it’s much more broad than that. Arguably uselessly broad, granted, but the intent of the phrase is to say that an AI should observe and react flexibly.

    Really all “AI” is just a handwavy term for “the next step in flexible, reactive computing”. Today that happens to look like LLMs and diffusion models.

  • I’ve had awesome teachers. I’ve had just as many really shitty teachers though. And lots of simply mediocre. I totally support higher wages for teachers, but honestly less in sympathy for today’s teachers and more to make it a viable career choice and attract some actual professionals. So many teachers seem to only want the job for the authority (over kids? I don’t get it), and only get it because the school district is desperate.

    I don’t know if raising wages would fix the problem, I just know that it would increase the pool of applicants, allowing the school district to be more selective.

  • You basically got to have your own little reliable niche

    I think one big problem is originally. So many indie games are essentially clones of the games that the developers happened to like. Zelda-likes, rogue-likes, greyscale puzzle platformers about depression. There are literally hundreds of examples of the first two of these, and not as many but still weirdly a lot of the third. But without something to make it stand out, casual players will come across the game and think “This looks neat, but basically the same as about 4 other games in my wishlist that are already very well reviewed. Maybe if it starts getting rave reviews, I’ll add it to the queue”.

    Not to paint all indie games with one broad stroke, the most novel game ideas out there are also usually from indie studios. I don’t have numbers and I don’t know about longevity, but I bet that games with novel ideas get more initial downloads