The animated BiliBili adaptation of The Dark Forest (Book 2 of TBP) was a bit strange, but I really like the ending theme. The mood is perfect for what should have been a great adaptation.
The animated BiliBili adaptation of The Dark Forest (Book 2 of TBP) was a bit strange, but I really like the ending theme. The mood is perfect for what should have been a great adaptation.
BiliBili did skip the first book. The first 5 minutes are the ending of the first book I suppose. However, Tencent recently adapted the first book into a 30 episode live action series.
Don’t get your hopes up too much if you watch this animated adaptation. It only loosely follows the book and only gets about a third of the way through. They turned it into some kind of love story. Still, I enjoyed it for the most part and I liked the art despite other peoples opinions of it.
Weird! I’m still reading through the second book but I’ll have to check it out once I’m done!
Even though they’re usually not great I love analyzing the differences between adaptations and their source material