If “Section 230” is repealed by the Maga-Idiots any US social media plattfrom will become liable for what the user’s posts, they will have to do MUCH cleanup.
Any threat. Any wrongful accusation, and harm done to reputation will be OWNED not by the user in question… but the company providing the plattform, as if they are a newspaper and all users are staff writers.
Imagine writing “Dodge only make shitty cars that break all the time” on X, and X is now held accountable by Stellantis for damaging their reputation.
I hope they do it. Plattforms that make billions from free work of the users, should own the liabilities.
I was for this when it passed originally but now seeing what these companies have done with it in the intervening years, I think maybe I was giving them too much benefit of the doubt
If “Section 230” is repealed by the Maga-Idiots any US social media plattfrom will become liable for what the user’s posts, they will have to do MUCH cleanup.
Any threat. Any wrongful accusation, and harm done to reputation will be OWNED not by the user in question… but the company providing the plattform, as if they are a newspaper and all users are staff writers.
Imagine writing “Dodge only make shitty cars that break all the time” on X, and X is now held accountable by Stellantis for damaging their reputation.
I hope they do it. Plattforms that make billions from free work of the users, should own the liabilities.
I was for this when it passed originally but now seeing what these companies have done with it in the intervening years, I think maybe I was giving them too much benefit of the doubt