Hi folks!

Over the past few months, we have started seeing a significant amount of new user sign-ups. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all of our new members, and to share some useful resources and info about lemm.ee.

First, some stats

Here is a bar chart of daily new users (this is only counting users which have been approved by our admins):

As you can see from the chart, for most of 2024, we were accepting roughly around 10-20 new users every day. Then, from the start of this year, the daily numbers have been constantly growing. Yesterday, we approved a massive 609 new users on lemm.ee.

The increase in sign-ups is significant enough that I have been taking several steps to improve our monitoring & anti-bot measures, but so far, it seems the vast majority of the new users are completely legitimate real humans! (Thank you all for not being bots 😅)

About lemm.ee

This Lemmy instance is turning 2 years old very soon. It was initially created around the time of the Reddit API changes, when existing Lemmy servers were getting overloaded with new users - lemm.ee was intended to help spread the load. We’re now the second largest Lemmy server when it comes to monthly active users.

Our core philosophy for this instance has always been to treat it as a generic gateway to the Lemmy network. I want to provide our users a stable and reliable home for their Lemmy account, so that they can have easy access to all of their communities, regardless of what instance the community is actually hosted on.

We run on some decently beefy hardware, and our setup is fairly customized in several ways in order to ensure a smooth experience for our users (most of the time, this has worked out quite well!). Our servers are currently hosted in Finland.

Our infrastructure has been funded by the community almost from the start through GitHub sponsorships and Ko-Fi donations. I am sure I speak on behalf all of our users when I say that I am extremely grateful to all supporters - you are really responsible for the continued existence of this instance!

Lemmy itself is open source software, and while it has improved massively during the time I have been using it, it definitely still has some rough edges. Please be patient when using Lemmy, and remember that it is being built collaboratively by humans (not corporations), without any intent of ever turning it into a business.

Useful resources

Don’t forget to participate!

Communities on Lemmy only work if people actively use them. Even upvoting/downvoting based on quality of content is a great start, but I would really like to encourage you all to comment and even write posts, because that’s really the best way to build communities.

If you have any questions or thoughts about lemm.ee or Lemmy in general, feel free to post a comment below this post, and myself or one of our veteran users will definitely respond.

I hope you enjoy your time on lemm.ee, and I wish you all a great week!

  • laplace@lemm.ee
    1 day ago

    Hey, thanks a lot for taking care of the server and stuff : ) Looking forward to meet this nice community.

  • shaquilleoatmeal@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    Just got permabanned sitewide from Reddit for saying “trans women are women” and nothing more than that, so I figured I’d check this place out.

  • Clot@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    Yeah, Ive been seeing posts getting lot of upvotes recently welcome reddit refugees!!

  • Artirak@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    Such a relief to scroll through posts without having to worry about what’s advertisement, it has a much more genuine and human feeling.

  • exploitedamerican@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    This is encouraging. I wish i found out about Lemm.ee sooner. I had heard of it before but for some reason stayed on reddit that is until they IP banned me for a comment essentially saying “international law states occupied indigenous populations have a right to resist and fight occupation by any means necessary including organized violence” and now seeing how reddit is attacking people for supporting Luigi Mangione and calling for revolution against a decrepit disgusting fascist regime that obviously wont allow for any systemic change within its own mechanisms is beyond concerning. We need people still on reddit to spread the word and help those still trapped in that awful corporatist controlled community to break free and join lemm.ee

  • AugustsKaifs@lemm.ee
    2 days ago

    It’s so cool being here. Actual people being people with a certain hint of joy because of being here.

  • Spoerbi@lemm.ee
    3 days ago

    Nice to be here :D. Took a short while to understand the layout, im on Voyager. Unfortunately, i still think that the design needs to be even simpler to get really popular, like for example that the app asks for your interests and lets you start into these instances right away. But i think i will stay :)

    • AnonomousWolf@lemm.ee
      2 days ago

      Yea there’s lots of improvements that can be made, you can also try out other mobile apps like Sync and see if you like them more. When I was new I installed 4 of them and I actually use both Sync and Voyager now, sometimes switch between them just because.