Thought I’d ask this because I want to discover more foods from across the world
(Also I shouldn’t have to say this to americans, please state where you are from and state where you are from without acronyms or shortened names because I’ve seen US Defaultism on lemmy and not all of us are going to know your acronyms considering we’re global users)
Fenek Moqli - Fried Rabbit in Garlic. ( Malta)
Canada doesn’t really have a local cuisine, unfortunately. Too much mutual cultural exchange with the US and too little history. Of the like three dishes to choose from, I do love a good Nanaimo bar. (That’s a layer of chocolate, on a layer of an icing-like custard concoction, on a thicker base of a coconut-chocolate crumbs)
Excuse me but we had moose maple chips once.
That wasn’t even my favourite one in the competition IIRC.
It wasnt very good tbh.
I forgot about Nanaimo bars. Omg I need to make some immediately.
I went to a bar in Nanaimo once. It was the Tally-ho. It was really divey when I was there. But it was that or go back to Cedar and hang out, and there was NOTHING to do in Cedar.
The baked treat is wayyyy better. Har har.
But it’s true – we’ve acquired a lot of different foods from people as they moved here, without a real image of our own. At least we can create mishmash of cultures and pick and choose some winners.
- dim sum with truffle oil and foie gras sounds a little posh
- street vendor $7 hot dogs with teriyaki and seaweed
- the iconic nanaimo bar
- candy-smoked coho
I guess someone’s gonna have to barbecue a gooeyduck street-side and call it iconic. I’m at a loss
Bunny Chow - South Africa (does not contain any bunnies)
It’s a ¼ or ½ loaf of bread hollowed out and filled with curry
There’s a version called kota (certain groups pronunciation of quarter, for quarter bunny) that is filled with chips (thick cut french fries), polony (bologna, I think), viennas (a frankfurter i think), cheese, tomato sauce, atchar (mango pickle), and sometimes russians (kolbasa, not the people). It’s the ultimate comfort food for me
Robbers roast (rosvopaisti) in Finland. I suppose other countries have something similar, but it’s a piece of meat cooked in a ground oven. First dig up a small hole, line it with rocks, keep bonfire going in the hole for couple of hours, scrape the coals out and put meat wrapped in parchment paper, wet newspapers and foil in to the hole, fill it with sand and set up a new bonfire on top of the sand. Throw onions, garlic, carrots and whatever you like to accompany/season the meat while you’re at it. Things like potatoes or sweet potatoes doesn’t really work as they just turn into a mush, at least unless you individually wrap them, but the process isn’t consistent enough, just cook whatever sides you want separately.
With meat include pieces of fat on top of it and season however you like. It’s traditionally made out of lamb, but I prefer cow (or moose if it’s available). Pork works just fine too. The whole process takes 10-12 hours, so it’s not for your wednesday dinner, but it’s very much worth the effort.
When the weather is good and you do it right the meat just breaks down and you’ll almost need a spoon to eat it. Absolutely delicious. And as you have bonfire going for all day you can cook sausages on a stick and have a ‘few’ beers while feeding the fire. It’s an experience with absolutely delicious food in the end.
Just be careful that you don’t pass out on all the beer while cooking and miss the fun part.
Gooey butter cake. Dessert from St. Louis, Missouri, USA
I love Gooey butter cake but I think toasted ravioli is our best food. (Hi fellow Missourian! I’m from O’Fallon though.)
It was a difficult choice, believe me. I absolutely love t ravs but i think the cake just slightly edges it out for me. I do love stl pizza too but thats just too divisive :). Hi fellow Missourian! I’m out in the city myself but we’re all in the metro area either way
jucy lucy. it’s like a cheeseburger but the cheese is inside the patty
Vegemite and butter on bread.
Sourdough, toasted, then add some avocado smashed with a fork, maybe some cheese, fresh or sliced, alphalpha sprouts if you’re feeling fancy and a dash of lime juice.
Zang, thats great with morning black coffee.
Potage au bonne femme.
Living in Valencia, paella valenciano is great, but for me the duck with rice is just… Amazing
TexMex though really it stretches from southern California to Texas. Good tortillas alone are amazing but throw in beans and some kind of slow cooked meat like green chile pork and it’s perfect!
Chicken nuggets.
I’m Belgian so only one answer is allowed
Belgian fries with mayonnaise and Flemish stew
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They do seem to load on your instance so I’m thinking it’s some sort of federation issue
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I pick vol au vent. 😁
Allez, een Américain Frites alsteblief !
Very admirable, it’s a good choice
If you take it with fries, of course 😁
This interaction is basically me at a restaurant
As neighbor Dutchy, I can agree! Delicious.
From Bulgaria, banitsa, it’s a bit difficult to describe, but it’s sorta like layered dough with cheese and eggs, though this description really doesn’t do it justice…
Looks a lot like the moldovian Vertuta. I bet they taste similar.
My wife spent 18 months in Bulgaria. When she talks about the food banitsa invariably comes up as something she desperately misses.
A few kg of meat, traditionally (in the rhine-area) from horse, nowadays more beef, marinated for 1+ month in a few litres of wine and vinegar, with some vegetables. Slowly cooked so it disintegrates on your fork.
The sauce you get from Sauerbraten is sooooo good, too - goes well with any veggies and/or pasta to eat alongside it.
Yep, we always save a lot of sauce for later in the year, as we (my family) only makes it one time a year, for christmas (on the 25th and 26th). With dumplings on the 25th and noodles on the 26th.
Northwest US: smoked salmon with a side of berries. Sockeye with little or no sugar added is the best IMO. The berries should be native varieties if you want to try for authenticity, though the invasive blackberries are really tasty, too.