• Nurse_Robot@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    Okay wait I would watch this one

    It’s 30 years in the future and we’ve perfected cyborg dogs that could talk. For some reason Elon Musk’s son owns the company that makes them, but he is pretty reasonable compared to his dad so we don’t hate him as much.

    Our story follows a trans girl in her early 20s (the fact she’s trans doesn’t matter much, society got over that like 10 years ago. Now Republicans don’t approve of kids who had their genes modified usually to correct for a cancer or genetic birth defect. The supreme Court almost outlawed the right to correct birth defects under the “keep God alive” protests, but split 8-7). She owns a modern cyborg dog with the newly added intelligence upgrade. This upgrade will soon bring conflict and difficult conversations between the two!

    Visit your MindView store to experience an unlikely friendship, and the coming-to-terms with society conversations that will have you questioning how much we really want our pets to know about the world.

    (Smash cut to the dog outside of a convenience store) “wait, you people invented currency to exchange for goods and services, then you made enough food for the entire planet, but you only give it to people who trade money for it? You solved the problem, AND MADE IT INTO A NEW PROBLEM?”

    Available this Friday. Share the view for 5 credits, or experience at InstaSpeed for 11.