Donald Trump mocked Time magazine after its latest cover depicted Elon Musk sitting behind the Resolute Desk, questioning if the magazine was “still in business.”
While pretending indifference, the cover likely irritated him, as he was ecstatic just months ago when Time named him 2024 Person of the Year.
Speaking at the White House, Trump tried to dismiss the cover’s implications and praised Musk for uncovering “fraud and corruption.”
Despite his criticism, Trump has long craved Time’s approval, even displaying a fake cover of himself.
When was The Orange Fart Person of the Year?
just a reminder that ‘person of the year’ is not necessarily ‘good person of the year’…
it is awarded to people who have had significant impact on global events during the year (i.e. ‘news makers’)–good OR bad.
Adolf Hitler: Man of the Year, 1938
Donald Trump: Person of the Year, 2024