I mean… I kinda get it, but nowadays it’s starting to get absurd.
(EDIT: This was supposed to be a “blow air out my nose and get on with my life” meme…)
I mean… I kinda get it, but nowadays it’s starting to get absurd.
(EDIT: This was supposed to be a “blow air out my nose and get on with my life” meme…)
…given China is an open socialist democracy, no, no you can’t.
Anyone can run for office, anyone can get power.
As chief of your village, sure.
Anything higher, no lol.
…how do you think people get in power in China, given there are no familial dynasties like the US?
Hard to say, considering Xi secured a 3rd term with a dog and pony show of party support. Also hilarious that you’d use a comparison like familial dynasties for the US from China of all places.
I’m sorry how long until Clinton 2028 is announced? Anyway xi has genuine party support, given, you know, his policy guidance has allowed China to surpass the us’ GDP while increasing the quality of life for citizens at all strata more than any other country in the same time period. That’s without bringing up his push for high speed rail, which has allowed more rail to be laid in the last 15 years than the EU and US have in total, combined. Or the green energy mandates which have out paced the entire rest of the world combined…
Successful leaders like xi tend to get reelected.
You understand that even a democratic government can be oppressive, right? You can absolutely dislike a government without disliking the people it represents.
Sure, the kakistocracy of the US can be called an oppressive democracy since only the rich vote on legislation, but that’s different from the peoples parliament which allows anyone to join and have power.
So, by your logic, you hate the people of the United States, right?
Can you reply in some manner that’s close to the conversation we were having?
whelp, you just lost the argument, that’s what happened.
Ok Mr Shapiro.
Man that read like you were citing straight from the CCPs guidelines.
Edit: well, your account is not even a week old, back to the troll farms
Yes Mr Shapiro, everyone that thinks differently from you is a Russian or Chinese bot or troll, your viewpoint is the only one that can ever exist, you’re so smart and definitely not propagandaized.
I’ve had the same simple point since the beginning of this conversation. In fact, I initiated the conversation by replying to you, so I set the topic of conversation, and I haven’t wavered from it. Care to answer my question that you avoided?
I bet if I would say “america is a democracy but it is oppressive”, they would agree, or start to express how it isn’t a democracy, because only wealthy people have a realistic shot.
People who claim shit like you can’t like the people and dislike the government in a democracy, are telling me that I can’t like my friends and love my partner. I mean e.g. I met her after I dislike her government at the time.