My kids got me a cold brew coffee maker for Christmas. Basically a 2 quart mason jar with a mesh filter in the middle. I ground some beans and brewed my first batch and it was delicious. However, I only had flavored beans at the time and while it was tasty, I wasn’t going to chug half of a gallon of flavored coffee in one sitting. How long can we keep cold brew in the fridge and still have it retain its peak “freshness” ?

  • Fedo[T] ¶
    1 month ago

    @[email protected] cold brew stays fresh and good for days, I’d say a week at least, I guess you would probably need to worry about the safety factor before the flavour. However in the summer I usually make 1 liter and it get consumed in 4/5 days, but I think it can last more. Of course you need to keep the jar well sealed.
    Note that after little time a thin white film starts forming on the surface. That’s totally normal and you shouldn’t worry about it, it is not mold (as it should need much more time to form) but some water and coffee minerals and residuals concentrating on top. It’s not aesthetically appealing but it’s totally safe.