May have convinced my brother to ditch regular retail laptops in favor of a @framework

Won’t be getting him off of Windows anytime soon, but maybe we can push him toward better sustainability.

    1 month ago

    Mid 2010’s Acer Aspires were the best! I still have mine and it is still going strong. Upgraded hdd to solid state, maxed out the ram only 2 years ago, new battery, and am on my third windows wipe. It is still running strong and hasn’t even hit the level of needing Linux to survive. My Trac pad is a little sad to look at and I burned out the USB port on one side. Other than this thing is still doing everything I need a laptop to do, plus some low requirement gaming. I bet it still has another 3-4 years in it, easy. The best sustainable is reducing consumption, and this unsuspecting hero has made it possible for me!

    But also yes, when it dies I will probably also be getting a framework…