In short:

There have been clashes between police and a large group of protesters outside the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre where a major defence and weapons expo is being held.

Hundreds of officers have been called in for what Victoria Police say is their biggest operation since the S11 protests outside the World Economic Forum in Melbourne 24 years ago.

What’s next?

Police and protesters are expected to remain on scene in large numbers throughout the conference.

Live updates here:

Capsicum spray, rubber bullets and tear gas have been used on parts of the crowd.

    9 days ago

    dehumanising/othering those desparately trying to stop lethal weapons sales used in crimes against humanity

    No, he othered the protestors who are assaulting the police and random people trying to walk past (in 7:30’s coverage last night you can clearly hear a guy say “I live just up the road” as protestors attack him for the crime of being slightly dressed up). Most sane individuals in our society would agree that those people are idiots who deserve to be called out. Defending them and their behaviour because you think it contributes to a greater good is not a good lock.