• foggy@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Today someone barged into the IT helpdesk to bug a support rep to bug me (I’m helpdesk adjacent).

    This would be fine, except, two weeks ago:

    “Hey [person], making sure I’m clear about our meeting. Did you want this? (Screenshot of proposal of what we had discussed). And as for the other thing, is it something we can export (from this 3rd party you all paid money for without consulting IT)?”

    Hey foggy what’s the status on the (3rd, unrelated) thing we discussed?

    "Hey [person],


    Is this the thing? It doesn’t seem to have everything you’d said it would. If I found the wrong thing can you tell me where the right thing is so I can address 3rd thing?"


    Fucking barge in here like I owe you something. Answer my fucking questions or set up a meeting, dickwad. Ugh. Bad day, man. Bad day.

    Our emails that followed

    Hey foggy you seemed busy, is there a time we could meet to discuss?

    "Hey person, as per my previous email:

    [Copy and paste first email]

    Can you answer this question please?"

    Sorry I’m bad with technology. Here’s that answer

    "Great thank you. Can you please address this?

    [Copy and paste second email]"

    Oh I’m not sure foggy let me ask I’ll get back to you

    “Ok did you still need to meet?”