The writing is the worst part. I could forgive almost everything else if the game told a good engaging story with compelling characters. Instead we get corporate approved blandness. It may steal the ascetics of Star Trek and Starship Troopers, but in the end it’s Sci-fi with nothing interesting to say.
Unlike Star Trek, they failed to imagine humans beyond capitalism. In one of the “largest” cities in a galaxy with infinite resources, infinite space, and faster than light travel… why am I helping out a homeless shelter? Why is it literally modern problems, but in space? Surely the invention of technologies like the grav drive would leave to SOME sort of change in class structure? There’s just no creativity. You could put a green filter on everything, bomb things out a bit, and you’d assume you’re playing Fallout, but you find out Vault-Tec sent ships into space to colonize the galaxy as well.
Oh yeah. Didn’t want to get too into the politics in my original post but the game is frustratingly neo-liberal. The two main factions are libs that are sliding into fascism and libertarian cowboy larpers. And this is supposed to be an optimistic future? The cons may screetch about pronouns, but leftist the game is not.
Aside from the writing, ship combat, and the voice acting, if you’d told me Starfield was a fan mod for Fallout 4 I would have believed you.
Be fair to Fallout 4 mods, there’s probably several with more interesting writing than Starfield.
The writing is the worst part. I could forgive almost everything else if the game told a good engaging story with compelling characters. Instead we get corporate approved blandness. It may steal the ascetics of Star Trek and Starship Troopers, but in the end it’s Sci-fi with nothing interesting to say.
Unlike Star Trek, they failed to imagine humans beyond capitalism. In one of the “largest” cities in a galaxy with infinite resources, infinite space, and faster than light travel… why am I helping out a homeless shelter? Why is it literally modern problems, but in space? Surely the invention of technologies like the grav drive would leave to SOME sort of change in class structure? There’s just no creativity. You could put a green filter on everything, bomb things out a bit, and you’d assume you’re playing Fallout, but you find out Vault-Tec sent ships into space to colonize the galaxy as well.
Oh yeah. Didn’t want to get too into the politics in my original post but the game is frustratingly neo-liberal. The two main factions are libs that are sliding into fascism and libertarian cowboy larpers. And this is supposed to be an optimistic future? The cons may screetch about pronouns, but leftist the game is not.
Exactly my feelings. It fails to imagine anything. Everything went through the PC filter. It’s incredibly bland