This photo will launch a thousand chuds into the streets.

    2 months ago

    Look up the definitions of both of those words and then get back to me.

    Rapport means like, a reputation between two people. report is a word that can have a bunch of different meanings, one of them, as a noun, listed third on google’s listed definitions, because I did look it up because I thought I might be wrong when you pointed this out, is “a sudden loud noise of or like an explosion or gunfire.”. Me personally, I kind of thought and still perhaps think that it stems from the idea that, you are hearing the report of the gunshot itself, when you hear the sound. Sort of like how thunder is a way to describe the sound of lightning rather than lightning itself. And it’s a “report” because it tells you about the thing from which it originated based on the nature of the sound.

    So, I dunno, fuck off before you decide to start questioning me on the basis of my misspellings rather than on the basis of my proposed information. Sure, I’m an armchair guy making armchair statements, that’s everyone on basically any website on the internet. Go ask for credentials from anyone else making statements about this shit, you probably won’t get any. Did you attempt to dispute any of the shit I actually said? Nope, instead you decided to question my ability to distinguish one word from another. Maybe I was using text to speech, maybe I’m ESL, maybe I’m just stupid, who knows, but apparently you were just as easily able to understand what I said so I guess it doesn’t really matter in the end, huh? Go ad hominem yourself in the mirror, you costco ball ass removed aaaaand post