The election discourse has become cancerous because it keeps going in circles. This is because liberals have become fixated on the narrative of there being some large bloc of leftists who are going around trying to convince people to not vote. However, this contingent, does not actually exist? Most of the people I have seen take a stance against voting for Biden aren’t telling other people to not vote. Some are, but the number of these people is so vanishingly small (compared to the rest of the electorate) that it becomes clear that the election discourse is entirely a waste of time.

Liberals are also really trying hard to convince these people to vote (by berating them online), and it just seems like this is the most idiotic and time wasting strategy possible. These people have negative charisma.

Even if they actually could actually speak persuasively, wouldn’t it be far better to target the large number of non-voting centrists/apathetic people rather than leftists who have taken a principled stance (and thus could only be convinced if you knew more about American and world history, which liberals are blissfully unaware of)?

For as much as liberals are fond of accusing leftists of being impotents on a moral high horse, the election memers aren’t accomplishing anything either.

    2 months ago

    I say vote but vote against the uniparty. Vote only for people who are not only not associated in any way with either side of the uniparty, but who are actively opposed to it.

    The most delusional stance is not so much thinking that voting makes a difference (which it barely does, if at all), rather it’s thinking that anyone can ever “change things from the inside”. Once you are in the uniparty system it swallows you up and assimilates you like the Borg.

    We’ve seen this over and over again. Even so-called “independents” more often than not end up in the ecosystem of one or the other part of the duopoly, and they justify it by telling themselves it’s only for fundraising purposes or whatever, but that’s just how you become part of the blob.

      2 months ago

      That is a subtle and more correct point. Thank you for pointing that out. There is some utility in voting for a third party that at least has some chance of dismantling the system.