I go to Steam regularly to play my games, usually posting simple screenshots of my game sessions. But when I go to the communities I see Internet videos, GIFs, memes, and memetic everything and it’s not really my thing. I even posted on Lemmy that I didn’t like memes in general and what do they post on here? It feels like people are having fun by abusing their humanity in the process or like a Reddit subreddit, and I specifically came to Lemmy on the Fediverse to avoid all that. They post things that I’m uncomfortable with and typically I don’t have fun by posting Internet memes for a living…that’s just weird.

Does anyone agree or does everyone here do it anyway?

  • celeste@kbin.earth
    4 months ago

    I enjoy memes sometimes or whatever, but on steam I barely interact with community features other than occasional questions on the forums. I don’t feel like I’ve lost anything not interacting there.

    I think of memes as like internet smalltalk. It’s a way of saying you exist so other people can be like ‘I exist too!!’ which loosens things up for deeper and more interesting conversation. It’s not everyone’s thing, though.

    I don’t follow communities that are just for memes on here so I mostly look at my subscriptions when I’m not in the mood. I think you should just avoid what you don’t like and don’t worry about it.