Usually, when I try to use my Switch for online connectivity the system is connected but I keep getting error messages and won’t actually connect to the online servers I try to access.

I live in the countryside with my family, so maybe that’s why my Internet is so wonky?

But I’m still able to access the online classic games for the NES, SNES, and Game Boy at least: I just can’t play the regular Switch games.

Any advice for a better connection?

    10 months ago

    So, if you’re playing undocked (either because you have a switch lite or because you have nowhere to set up a dock) my advice won’t help. But if you connect the switch dock directly to your modem via Ethernet cable (if this is possible for you) using a USB A to Ethernet dongle, you’ll at least have a more stable connection than connecting via wifi. We don’t know the age of your wifi router or anything else about your setup though, so it may be any one of those factors as well.