• Queen HawlSera@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    If you had read the link I provided you would have seen a lot of my evidence. You do realize that hospice didn’t really exist anywhere, nor did the term palliative care even exist when Mother Teresa’s first centers were open… nor would they be a commonplace thing in any nation for thirty years.

    Or how she provided transportation to actual hospitals, if someone wasn’t dying but still very sick.

    Or that a lot of this care was provided in the 1950s and in a third world country, so it’s not like the region and time had Advanced medicine to begin with.

    Or how she had literally been forced into hospitals by Arch Bishops and kept trying to sneak out to continue her work. (Very different from “Private plane to America for best care”)

    Or how limits on painkillers had nothing to do with religious beliefs, that the Catholic church has never had a policy against painkillers, and in fact advocates for them for reducing suffering. But instead said limits were insisted upon by the Indian government?

    Or how accusations that Mother Teresa or her organization laundered money while letting their own facilities hanging out to dry are largely baseless and have never had any actual evidence to support them?

    Or how Christopher Hitchens, a guy who made up a fake Thomas Aquinas in a book where he argued that anything submitted without evidence can be rejected without it, is… even if you don’t care about his specific accusations, was still widely considered the prinary source of claims against her and therefore is absolutelt crucial to any discussion about the misinformation surrounding her?

    Btw Hitchens claimed the Catholic Church was silencing him despite literally inviting him to speak against her canonization (as is customary for any Sainthood hearing. To have skeptics or critics give their case)

    And… how is nonprofit charity work racist exactly? Is a food bank operating in a black neighborhood racist?

    My friend, being rational means listening to science, which includes philosophy and history. It’s more complicared than “Sky Daddy Bad”

    Back it up, I did my homework, if anyone is carrying water it’s you. I am only carrying facts.

    And no I’m not a Christian, I just have no tolerance for easily debunked misinformation.