It was purportedly (and probably in actuality) intended as a survival aid to be used after landings and before recovery in the Siberian wilderness, although allegedly was intended as a defensive weapon against in-space attacks by the US space program.

    1 year ago

    allegedly was intended as a defensive weapon against in-space attacks by the US space program.

    ??? If it was for in-space attacks, wouldn’t it be more logical to mount a gun outside of ship 😆?

    It was intended as a survival aid for emergency landings. It’s not a shotgun, but a three barrel pistol (but it can shoot both normal rounds and shells). Another interesting detail - it’s buttstock is a folding machete.

    TP-87 was invented by request of A. Leonov after emergency landing of ‘Voshod-2’ where cosmonauts Leonov and Belyaev had to survive 3 days in wild taiga forest for a rescue team to retrieve them.