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I hope every unethical company goes over and everyone who works at all of them remains unemployed for at least 3 months actually. Unethical companies = employees often complacent and part of the problem.
They worked at LMG, a highly visible company. They’ll get other jobs no problem.
Again, that may be the case, but it’s still not good for people to lose their jobs in the first place.
Especially not in this economy.
I hope every unethical company goes over and everyone who works at all of them remains unemployed for at least 3 months actually. Unethical companies = employees often complacent and part of the problem.
I don’t see why you want to defend this
I’m not defending the company or the actions of whoever is involved in misconduct. But I also don’t believe in guilt by association.
Sorry for caring about people’s livelihoods.