What are you currently working on? Any Christmas presents for someone else or yourself? Or are you planning your next projects?

Currently I’m working on 4 projects (all for myself):

  1. The “Lattice Love Beanie” by hear hook home with a gorgeous yarn I found at a yarn fair. It’s so soft and I love how it works up. I’m just afraid that I don’t have enough yarn.

  2. The Rancher Shawl by TL Yarncrafts. Also with yarn I you at a fair, and I’m finally making some progress on it. It’s probably going to be the project I’ll take with me to entertain me during Christmas travels.

  3. Moroccan Tea Blanket. I love the shawls, and I now I now started this blanket. It’s probably going to be my 2024 project.

  4. Socks. I am so over knitting this pair of socks. I want to be a sock knitter, but I’m not. Working 9 months now on this pair, and my 2nd sock is about 1/4 done…

  • thegiddystitcher@lemm.ee
    9 months ago

    Around this time last year I crocheted myself a Shanti Pocket Shawl by Deni Sharpe and as you can see, it is heckin’ cozy!

    Problem is, I’ve never worn it because I never got round to finishing the twisted tassels, they’re maybe about a quarter done and have stayed that way for a whole year.

    So my goal is basically to finish that, and then gift this shawl to my grandma for Christmas because she gets much more use out of things like this than I ever will. If I end up regretting giving it away, well, can always make another one!

    Normally I’d have a long list of craft projects at this time of year but I’m recovering from covid and everything is just way too much effort. Knitting some socks though (it’s sock month over on [email protected] but it’s always sock month in my heart), and cross stitching Errol the swamp dragon from Discworld. So that’s enough to keep me occupied without adding time-pressured gifts into the mix!