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three rows with a barbecue on the left and William Wallace in Braveheart on the right.
In the first row, captioned Wednesday, the barbecue is labelled “$899.99” and Wallace says “hold”.
The second row, captioned Thursday, depicts the same.
In the third row, captioned Black Friday, the there is a label with $1099.99 struck through with “$899.99” written underneath, and Wallace charges.
edit: grammar
in slovenia we just passed a law that requires shops to state the price change of an item in the last 30 days :)
One of the benefits of being part of the EU :)
In America we keep the same price but decrease the amount of product. #profit
I think its a thing here in norway as well. Thats why they just increase the price in early october, just a month ahead of black week bullcrap. Have seen plenty of electronics “super discounted” to the same price they had in september/october
All of EU is adopting this practice to comply with the EU Price Indication Directive.
I love to see the eu fucking over companies
I think its a thing here in norway as well. Thats why they just increase the price in early october, just a month ahead of black week bullcrap. Have seen plenty of electronics “super discounted” to the same price they had in september/october
It might actually work if the requirement was a year instead of 30 days.
Also mandate minimum font size for it and that it must be displayed along with the current price anywhere the current price appears.
I honestly think 1 year would be too far back to be actually relevant to the current price, but I can see a 3 month period being a good middle ground.
Oh wow that’s cool! I’m from Slovenia too and I didn’t know that.
I know nothing about your country, is it common to speak English and what’s the native language?
It’s quite common for people to speak English. The native language is Slovene. It’s a really small country in central Europe (much larger than Liechtenstein tho).
Nice, very cool, thanks for informing me!
How did you figure out your citizenship then?
We have a comedian among us