Funny aside, ziq hates me :D

    • Stoneykins [any]
      10 months ago

      Can I ask what comm you thought this was? I don’t want to be an asshole but people seem lost on lemmy not infrequently… I’m wondering what it’s about.

      To be clear if you hadn’t realized this is the anarchist community, hosted on an instance that I believe is owned (or maybe just operated by?) by the main mod of the anarchism community. This is their “respective platform”.

        10 months ago

        I don’t want to exert authority on or through the use of technology; I wish to curb anthropogenic climate change and authoritarianism. Neither to fear technology and to wish collapse of the systematic, industrial cultivation of arable land as well as scientific method, global communication nor to centralise authority and to control through technology by ‘vanguard’-elitism, panopticon of the (social) networks, state-sanctioned activism, militarisation, imperialism.

        For once I think the distraction discourse has some merit: The politics of technology are a distraction from climate change action. Yes, technology itself is part of mitigation, adaption and resilience, but market fundamentalism (“freedom of technology choice”), anti-civilisationism (technology marginalisation) and social engineering (authority through technology) will not curb anthropogenic climate change and its impact enough.

        Thus I’m tired of tankies and anticivs debating here, because I understand both as climate denialists (many anarchists are too, though).

        PS: I’m ziq of your anti-anarchocommunism. I’m sick of your Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Xi.

        • Stoneykins [any]
          10 months ago

          Uh ok cool. Thanks for the interesting take.

          But I literally mean “here” is owned by the person who posted this. Whatever you want to argue their stance is or should be called this platform is theirs.

          Maybe you should be saying “I don’t think you are anarchists”? Based on how I understand you to feel?