tl;dr: republicans have pushed the CHOICE arrangement act through the house. this act which will push back regulations on “short-term” plans (which biden calls “junk insurance” because of how little they’re required to cover compared to normal healthcare plans) & make them much more widespread. these plans, while cheaper, can often miss very important requirements such as prescription drugs, hospitalization, & mental health care

    1 year ago

    Textbook literal doublespeak.

    Goddamnit, I so hate how a legion of right-wing morons have co-opted so many terms and have completely scrambled them via their spoon-fed propaganda so that words and phrases once used to criticize and accurately describe their actions - descriptive meaningful terms like “Orwellian,” “fake-news,” “grooming,” etc. - have just completely lost their meaning and now instead have become part of the quiver of bullshit buzzwords the right uses with complete and gleeful ignorance.

    In just basic conversation with these people I seem to encounter every day, I feel like I constantly have to update my vocabulary so that I don’t accidentally touch the proverbial “buzzer” in a verbal game of Operation - where if I even accidentally mention one of the words they’ve heard on Tucker Carlson or from some Trump lackey or the latest trending alt-right YouTuber - they almost squeal with joy as they might get the chance to regurgitate their half-memorized talking points instead of having an actual discussion with any sort of actual critical thinking.