some guy… somewhere

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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 18th, 2024

  • Star Wars (no, it wasn’t “EPISODE IV A NEW HOPE”), Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi were the only good SW movies. The rest are embarrassingly bad fanfiction. Just because people laugh at the prequel memes doesn’t make the prequels good. We as a society fell when we started laughing at all the horrible parts of the prequels and then asked ourselves “wait, if we’re being entertained by the prequels, does that mean they were good?” and coming to the absolute wrong conclusion.

  • And this is why AI needs to be banned from use. People own the things they post / place them under various licenses, and AI coming along and taking what you did is a blatant violation of copyright, ownership, trust, and is just general theft.

    I am absolutely angry with the concept of AI and have campaigned against its use and written at length, many times, to every company that believes it’s allowed to scour the internet for training data for its highly flawed, often incorrect, sometimes dangerous AI garbage. To hell with that and to hell with anyone who supports AI.

  • Republicans are “fuck everyone but the insanely wealthy”. Democrats are “give a crumb to everyone and everything else to the insanely wealthy”. Voting Democrat is the only real option we have in this country against a “side” that wants to destroy everything America is about, but it’s still voting for a bunch of scumbags who are just going to vote for the same thing that maybe isn’t quite as absolutely devastating to every single person who makes under a billion dollars in this country but still doesn’t help nearly enough.

    Alter or abolish. Voting is useless.

  • The ACA turned my insurance from affordable to “yeah, you’re not going to be able to afford health care now, and no, you don’t qualify for cheap health care because of your situation.” Fuck the ACA and fuck the appeasement bullshit. Every single fucking citizen of this rich as goddamn fuck country should have free/very affordable health care like the rest of the goddamn civilized world. There’s no goddamn excuse any more and anyone praising the fucking ACA can go to hell.

  • Where the fuck did you get your discussion of fucking nuclear weapons to inject into this discussion? Did you need some bullshit topic that you can use to divert people from the fact that I’m completely fucking right and you’re talking out of your goddamn ass? This isn’t even close to the concept of the nuclear stalemate; this is a country choosing to do what is right and if other countries want to allow their companies and citizens to destroy copyright and waste power, then that’s their problem. If you equate global thermonuclear war with us not being able to generate fucking AI porn and getting out of your writing assignments by asking AI to do it for you, you have a serious learning disability.

  • Write a law that says you can’t do it. Prosecute those who try. Congratulations, you’ve banned it. “BUT BUT BUT PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY!!!11!!!1!” Guess what else is against the law (“banned”) and people do anyway? Murder. Theft. Tons of atrocities. Should we remove those laws, then, because it’s going to happen anyway? Fuck no.

    There is a distinct lack of common sense going around these days, and it’s people who push garbage like this, veganism, religion, anti-car bullshit, and tons of other things that show that we’re basically fucked.

  • OT lightsaber fights looked like people who practiced the idea of “less is more” combat and knew pointless flailing and twirling around was useless against a similarly skilled opponent. This MADE SENSE. Everyone in the prequels flipping around and going nuts with the lightsabers and all that – it was laughable. Even Luke in the OT who wasn’t as skilled as some of the so-called “masters” from the prequels used at least some restraint and thought when fighting.

    The prequels are garbage and I’m sick of people who think they’re good just because we made memes out of them.