No, that is the capital of Liechtenstein
No, that is the capital of Liechtenstein
True, but ‘being in the EU’ is actually not that simple, and these territories have special statuses and and are not part of the ‘core EU’. Here is a simple visualization
Thinking outside the box continent. I like it
As the parliament says
In order to apply for EU membership, a country has to be European and respect the EU’s democratic values
Since according to Article 49
The applicant country must […] be a European state;
I would support stronger ties to Canada, but Canada is not exactly in Europe
Saying you have to respect agreements with Russia is like refusing to a weapon against an armed opponent who is attacking you because ‘shooting people is illegal’.
I think I will never buy a console. They aren’t as expensive as good gaming PCs, but way to limited in their capabilities for me. Modding is very cool in many games, and almost never possible on consoles. In addition, waiting a bit after the release is also often a good idea, since bugs will be fixed and if the game is actually shit, you will know that before buying
I almost expected to see the US at the end of the list
I know that 2FA is not that convenient, but it greatly improves security. Especially for users who use the same email password combination for multiple accounts
Raccoons are really cute