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After my Russian wife was browsing the internal news yesterday to see what level of information is provided over there she mentioned that their solution in the abortion debate is to have everyone give birth, and just give up the kids to be raised by the state if you don’t want them.
Also there seems to be a proposal to exclude women from higher education unless they’ve given birth.
Wow, that’s wild. This will likely lead to women claiming/diagnosed to be infertile needing to have sex with the principal to enter higher schools.
Also there seems to be a proposal to exclude women from higher education unless they’ve given birth.
Being forced to give birth to a child is very effectively excluding you from higher education(at least if you take care of it).
lso there seems to be a proposal to exclude women from higher education unless they’ve given birth.
Would they not be required for the skilled workforce?
my Russian wife was browsing the internal news yesterday to see what level of information is provided over there
How do you do that? Or is your wife one of those “Russian brides” that you pay but they never actually come to you?
(I’m just joking… I hope… I am actually curious how to read internal Russian news. I have a couple VPS in Moscow.)
I am actually curious how to read internal Russian news.
There is news for internal consumption, and news for a global audience. Both is available via internet nowadays - there’s pretty much no local newspaper without internet presence nowadays.
I’m pretty sure that’s the current step. Free range, but still.
JFC all the guy said is that people convicted of minor charges should be released, and if they’re released they’ll have babies because they’re, y’know, not in prison.
How much of a hard on does Lemmy have for keeping prison populations high?
Rape will become a patriotic duty
Pretty sure it’s already considered one if you’re in the Russian army in Ukraine.
A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive
Did anyone even read the article?
Considering that domestic abuse is legalized in Russia it already is
Shithole country
Did you mean Russia, because the Republicans in the US seem to be marching to the very same tune?
They have the same boss.
Let’s play Russian Bot or Brainwashed Citizen
Mode: Lemmy (10/10 Difficulty)
Is this a troll comment? Republicans literally have a history of attacking womens bodily autonomy. This isn’t a secret.
Sure, the dictator who windowfalls or poloniumteas anyone that says something he doesn’t like is the same as the party of people who have the worldview that allowing abortion at the doctor is the same as allowing adults to be murdered in the street.
Some day you’ll realize people are brainwashed. Not just other people either, but me, you, your mom, my mom, everyone is to some extent. American Tea Party Republicans have been told their entire lives that abortion and birth control is morally equivalent to shooting someone in the street. Yay for Baby Jeebus. And you believe that terminating a growing series of cells that would turn into a human isn’t murder. They think you’re evil for that. You don’t think you’re evil, and they don’t think they’re evil, you simply share opposing worldviews. That’s why having multiple cultures in a melting pot can be such a clusterfuck… I suppose they call it a melting pot for a reason, and not like, a cohesive utopia.
Thankfully states like California are stepping up and helping women in states like TX, and we still have federal law on our side. But you can’t have it both ways – you can’t want state laws for things like marijuana and federal laws for things like abortion.
Local, state, and federal laws exist for a reason. Trust me, the last thing you want is to grant ‘the good guys’ currently in power writing federal law over free and open abortion access. Because then the next ‘bad guys’ will come in and yank that right out. Like they did.
Separation of church, state, and even more importantly, the branches of government.
But comparing 200+ different people in power all with differing views on a plethora of ideas to a dictator who brutally and publicly murders anyone who speaks out against him, and lets murders and rapists out of prison (but not his political opponents) as long as they’ll be body bags for a failing war he can’t admit he lost?
Think more. Read more history and less current news and memes. Please. Your older self will thank you for it.
There is SO MUCH astroturfing going on today on the internet to sway ideas and ideologies of entire groups of people, even entire political parties and generations. If you asked 1,000 people on he street to sit down and decide what articles/memes/posts were bots, and what was legitimate and organic, I think you’d have a higher detection number rolling dice.
^ That’s just the one that’s beneficial for the West to post about right now. Surely there won’t be similar English articles about Eglin this week.
edit: I accidentally a words
Actually came in here to comment that GOP Disneyland (AKA Russia) is apparently going straight down the tubes.
These fears over population collapse are the weirdest form of mass hysteria I’ve ever seen.
Not an expert on this at all but I feel like it’s less of “the human race is going to die out” vs the owner class needs cheap labor and bodies for war to continue infinite growth.
My running theory is in the United States, Republican’s obsession with abortion is tied to the fact they need poor and broken families to pump out kids for future cheap labor and the prison industrial complex to make a nation function moving forward. That and the gray sunami of a upside down pyramid with not enough young to take care of the older generations (I think Japan and China are experiencing this currently).
Well in Russia it’s about replacing all the kids and men dying in Ukraine. The Russian losses are staggering and Russia is basically throwing their people into a meat grinder.
If only a fraction of a percent are coming home “after the war” Russia is in big big trouble regardless of population growth or shrinkage due to other causes.
In the USA I’d agree it’s about cheap labor. They don’t want to let the Mexicans in too so gotta keep those white babies flowing.
Are you a hammer? Because I think you just nailed it.
In germany the sheinking population or rather the aging population is causint serious issues for the pension system. The current working population is paying the pensions for the current pensioners. So what happens is fewer and fewer people pay for more and more people, leading to my generation not being able to get state pension, instead needing to get private plans
It isn’t an existential problem, but it’s still a very big problem, not just for the upper class, but for everyone.
Not from the perspective of someone whose only strength in the war in Ukraine is the number of people.
Most of the time, yes. When you’re throwing a large portion of your population into a blender, it makes more sense.
That reminds me. Anyone here ever hear about the bureaucratized rape in West Virginia coal mining camps back in the day? If a man was injured and couldn’t work his wife could take “Esau scrip” which she would have to pay back with her body. Capitalism! The entire situation is a stark reminder that capitalists wil LITERALLY rape and murder you to protect their position.
Somehow that topic didn’t come up in 7th grade WV History class. Going to have to dig into that as it would make a great post.
Edit: JFC, I had no idea this happened. And I live here and have toured the Whipple Company Store (again, in 7th grade).
“We’ve had multitudes of women and tell us as little girls they remember their mothers coming to the company store and one of the things that a lot of more the lovely ladies had to do was come upstairs. Some of the young girls had the stories shared by their mothers stating that they would be escorted in the shoe room. There would be a selected guard that would be waiting for them and they would receive a brand new pair of shoes with no accountability other than to perform whatever the service the guard wished to have in lieu of pay. We had one woman in particular share with us that her mother was a young girl about 25 years old and bought her first pair of shoes here and the women’s entire life those shoes remained in the shoe box on her closet shelf never to be worn and she refused to wear another pair of shoes her entire life. She made her shoes out of cardboard, newspapers and twine.”
- Joy Lynn, owner and tour guide, Whipple Company Store
Damn. I don’t even know what to say. That’s so fucked up…
Thank you for sharing a source. I should have done that.
No. Wtf.
Yeah, they don’t teach a lot of things in school. I only know about it because of BtB. The whole episode on The Battle of Blair Mountain is nuts and shows how far the owner class will go to keep people in line.
Yeah, they don’t teach a lot of things in school
And current politicians are making it so many other important topics aren’t being taught.
I’m looking at you Florida and Texas…
BtB just did a separate story on the Hawk’s Nest disaster in West Virginia in which they killed thousands of men by knowingly giving them silicosis and covered the whole thing up.
Regardless of the economic system, people in power will rape and murder to maintain their position of authority.
No they won’t
Wonderful argument. In case you’re gonna say “I’m a capitalist” no. You’re capital.
Lol invade Ukraine after promising not to. Getting entire generations of sperm makers killed in illegal war. Force female prisoners to be baby factories. Ladies and gentlemen: the bad guys.
Force male prisoners into the meat grinder and force women prisoners to give birth. Birth from who…? Such massive dystopia in Russia. What a shame.
Birth from who…?
Prison guards, I suspect.
A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive
Literally nobody here has read the article and it shows
People who haven’t read the article aside: I do not believe the Russian State member has women’s best interest in mind with this proposal.
I’m not making any claim as to the rationality of the Russian State member. The Duma has some crazies, just like Congress does. They don’t speak for the entire country, though.
I’ll agree to that partially. Unless the proposal actually passes it’s just the shitty legislating of another shitty government official.
I just wanted to point out the Russian States’ history with women’s rights; because it’s not like these people gain power in a vacuum.
If article authors wanted people to understand the truth, they wouldn’t title articles misleadingly.
Prisons in russia are starting to look like revolving doors. Women get out if they choose to give birth, men if they choose to throw themselves into the meat grinder.
I wonder if there’s anything they could be doing to reduce the deaths of their young men who are of age to start building families (20-30 year olds)? It must be a total mystery if they’re resorting to using female prisoners as breeders. I guess we’ll never know.
Actually end their unjustified invasion of youknowwho?
A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive
Hey, maybe read the article first?
Putlers Youth to a theater near you, coming soon. Fuck that guy!
Never thought that Russia would become the Republic of Gilead, but I suppose they want to excel at something.
Hey, don’t count the US out…we could get there as early as Jan 20!
Russian rape factories.
A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive
Can you people at least read the article?
Seriously, this is one of the biggest things that we do not need to come over from Reddit.
Asking people to read past the headline? What kind of crazy ass person are you???
Next thing you’re going to start expecting people to think critically or something. 😒
How are they going to ensure they “conceive” ?
Well they sure as hell not doing it in prison where they’re isolated from the male population, that’s why they want to release them.
They aren’t and that’s not what the guy said.
‘Fall rather than decrease’ wtf? And it’s a good thing for there to be less people, there are too many in the world anyway.
The fantasy of infinite growth seems to include people as well to capitalists, and as I already mentioned, it’s a fantasy.
Nah there’s plenty of resources to go around. Rampant consumerism is the problem.
There’s not plenty of resources to go around.
I think they’re trying to say there would be if it wasn’t for consumerism.
Yes, but there wouldn’t.
Not saying this about you specifically cause the other person did it too but I miss when the internet sourced claims instead of just being like “no that’s wrong” with zero elaboration or evidence. Very few people are convinced by “nah not true” and nothing else
Well, you are right. And I agree. Although in my defence, he made the initial claim without further evidence.
Anywho, the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), an agency operating under the UN, has done plenty of research and published papers about this.
The conundrum lies in that while we need more effective food production, we also want everything to be grown naturally (without fertilizer and/or free range livestock etc.), which is ineffective.
We need more land for crops and animals to feed more people, but we also need more space to house those same people, meanwhile we cannot continue deforestation.
On top of those, soil needs time to replenish all the nutrients. If it’s not given that opportunity, it WILL become permanently unusable.
There’s simply too many conflicting wants and needs that are strictly incompatible.
So are you suggesting that there would be enough resources to go around if we didn’t want organic food and huge single-family houses for homes?
We currently produce more than enough food and clothes for every person on this planet and could easily house them all.
The problem is that because of capitalism we can’t get what everyone needs to them because it might hurt someone’s profits.
Yes, but even if we used the resources better, we would still come to a limit, just later. Eternal population growth is nonsense.
With proper logistics that becomes less of a problem when coupled with universal education and healthcare.
We have also destroyed most of the wild ecosystems of the world to grow that food.
But we can grow much more environmentally friendly foods if we choose to.
The way we do things is not the only or even close to the best way.
this is the reality no one wants to admit because it points out a major flaw in the human psyche… that is, the ability to lack empathy by distance. the farther away people are, the less we care about them.
this is obvious is every facet of our daily existence, and is provable by the lack of dense conservative centers and how easily swayed those brought physically close to those remote entities (mentally or physically) become empathetic.
humans suck, and we are the cause of resources not going where they are needed.
Infinite growth is inherently incompatible with life. It does not work. The biosphere is under immense pressure already. Humanity extinct 4 species every day and has killed off 90% of wild animals in the last 100 years. Nature is the greatest repository of knowledge that we have. It is invaluable to our science, though we treat it as expendable. It’s like burning all libraries. We are simply using too much land in an effort to support a shitty economical model that is based on population growth, forever. This is the kind of problem that humanity has proven to be ineffectual at solving. Long term and noone will take action unless it blows up in their faces, personally, right now. Let the next generation deal with it. That is what they said in the 50s and that is what they will say in 10 years too. The damage done to the biosphere is practically permanent. Once an animal or plant is extinct, it is gone. Once enough of them is gone, the planet no longer supports complex life.
We don’t need to be using resources the way we do. It’s again a result of consumerism.
We could easily support a way bigger population if we used resources better.
If we stopped worrying about money so much science would easily be able to fix many of these problems.
That’s lime saying lions don’t have to eat animals and chickens don’t have to eat shit.
We use a huge amount of resources shipping millions of tonnes of plastic toys around the world.
That is not a natural thing that we have to do to live. It’s a choice.
This is the best summary I could come up with:
A member of the Russian State Duma has proposed releasing women convicted of minor charges from prisons so they can conceive, part of an effort to boost the country’s low birthrate amid a period of high mortality.
Julia Davis, journalist and creator of the Russian Media Monitor, posted a photo Thursday on X (formerly Twitter) showing a billboard featuring a split image of a baby in the womb on one side and a young child wearing military fatigues and saluting.
In a piece published Thursday by The Center for European Policy Analysis (CEPA), Davis documented how Russia’s population dwindled by about 997,000 people between October 2020 and September 2021—its largest ever peacetime decline.
She also noted that the Kremlin has attempted to combat the population decrease by forcibly bringing in Ukrainian refugees, women and some 700,000 children—of which war crime warrants were issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against Putin and Maria Lvova-Belova, commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation.
The foundation, which has allegedly received grants and funding directly from the Kremlin, also openly instructs its volunteers to employ “manipulation” and deceit when talking with pregnant women.
Dasha Yakovleva, co-founder of the Feminitive Community women’s group, told the Associated Press last month that a public protest involving 60 or so pro-choice advocates at a bookstore in Kaliningrad was meant to send a message to Putin and his ilk about attempts to ban abortions in private clinics.
The original article contains 1,008 words, the summary contains 245 words. Saved 76%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!
Glad to see that the long-lasting tradition of Reddit to only read the clickbait title is still alive here too.
Instead of reddit you can just say people.
So now Putin is taking cues for Immortan Joe?